Őrdöngösi Stud

Our services

The services of the Őrdöngösi Stud are currently limited to the sale and breeding of horses. We train the horses for sale, but we do not deal with boarding and carriage training.

We train our horses ourselves, in which we already have several generations of experience. This is why we always advertise far fewer horses for sale than there are available, as only fully trained horses are listed.

Nevertheless, it is possible to buy Kisbéri breeding mares and foals, or covering with one of our breeding stallions, so feel free to contact us even if you have special needs or requests.

Horses for sale

There are horses for sale in our stud all year round.


Our excellent stallions were successful in competitions.

Breeding stallions

Breeding stallion

Marketplace Fintor

Self-bred breeding stallion from the Őrdöngösi Stud. His father Marketplace (English Thoroughbred) competed successfully. He was a place winner in the big obstacle race in Pardubice for 3 years. His excellent jumping style, working ability, physique, and strength were inherited by Marketplace Fintor.

He competed successfully up to 115 cm. In the stallion test he jumped up to 160cm in free-jumping. This drew attention to himself! He showed his extraordinary jumping ability as well as his willingness to cooperate under riding. He inherits his great jumping ability and cooperative nature in his foals.

Due to his genetics and his own performance, as well as his outstandingly good jumping style and calm, balanced nature, he is worth a try.
Price of covering: 
70.000 Ft (~190 eur)
Founded in 1966

About us

The horses of the Őrdöngösi Stud (founded in 1966) live near Hódmezővásárhely, on a 150-hectare sweet-grass primeval grassland in Derekegyház-kéktó. The stud mainly breeds Kisbéri half-breed horses, in free range based on grazing. These horses are docile, gentle and suitable for any sporting purpose, whether under a saddle or in front of a coach.

Horses released from the stud for the past 40 years have successfully participated in high-demand domestic and international show jumping and coaching competitions.

Prizes won by Lajos Szabó M.D. and the Őrdöngösi Stud:

From the National Association of Hungarian Horse Breeders: "Award for the Hungarian Horse", for the domestic and international success of the bred horses

From Kisbér and Gidrán Horse Breeders Association: “Golden Wreath Horse Breeder”

From Csongrád County Equestrian Association: “Lifetime Achievement Award”

From the Hódmezővásárhely Economic Association: "Breeder's Grand Prix"
About the Breed

A little history lesson...

Excerpt from the leaflet of the Kisbéri Half-Blood and Gidrán Horse Breeding National Association:

Military past

The Hungarian Royal Stud in Kisbér was founded in 1853 on the confiscated estate of Kázmér Batthyány by Emperor Franz Joseph I with the aim of establishing a military stud of “noble blood” there.


To this end, in addition to imported English thoroughbred stallions, various other horses were also populated in Kisbér from the treasury studs of the time and from the herd of major private studs. This basically mixed-breed but carefully selected herd has been covered for several generations with excellent English Thoroughbred stallions, which have resulted in a type of dorsal type that is close to the English Thoroughbred, but even more massive, calmer, well-trained and fair-looking. By the turn of the century, the horses of Kisbér had already gained a significant rank. It was around this time that the still-famous strains of the breed emerged.
Between the two world wars, the need arose to mass the stock.

In the course of this process, after using thoroughbreds of outstanding hereditary power they established half-breed stallions in the stud and half-breeds from Mezőhegyes were also used. As a result, the already somewhat over-refined breed was consolidated in a type that was becoming more massive, but retaining its nobility, elegance, speed, and perseverance. In order to preserve these valuable qualities, the young mare candidates to be bred had to complete the assigned tasks and level time on the field, and in hunting riding.

Before World War II, in order to improve movement and usability, stallions from the Trakehnen breed, which was created with a similar breeding technique, were imported for the Kisbéri stud.

Founding mare:

Cd-6-419 Fecske, Kisbéri like half-breed.



Breeding aim:

Solid body, good bone base, well muscled, medium size, attractive, beautiful appearance, dynamic, space-embracing step and trot, long gallop, gentle, docile, noble tall half-breed, suitable for both saddle riding and coaching sports.


Using stallions of the Kisbéri breed suitable for breeding purposes. Improving skills with English Thoroughbred, Sport Half-Blood and Arabian horses.
in figures

Our Stud

As the legacy of the Breeder: Lajos Szabó M.D., the Owner is Lajosné Szabó M.D.

Hungary, 6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Klauzál str. 15.

Location: Derekegyház, Kéktó, 150-hectare sweet-grass primeval grassland

Method of keeping: Pasture-based free range, seasonal hay and forage supplementation.

The Stud was founded in 1966.